Friday, September 13, 2024

Audiobook sale: Desolated

 My audiobook for the Oil Apocalypse book, Desolated is on sale now.

Click here for Audible.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Book review and news.

 Hello, fans! I've been writing, but not as Lou Cadle, the past two years. Seven screenplays and five books in other pen names, so definitely working. I continue to have fond memories of the good years as Lou and the connections I made with fans.

I read a terrific book this month that might be of interest to post-apocalyptic readers and writers. It is Nuclear War: A Scenario.

Ms. Jacobsen has done her research, and those of you who read my books know what a fanatic I am about that. It's all in the details, and these details are fascinating. She managed to get interviews with a lot of people who know a heck of a lot of classified details, and you learn more than you might have thought was possible.

And quite a bit of that will terrify you.

In her scenario, North Korea launches just two nukes at the USA. Second by second, she details what is happening. Decisions that decide the fates of you, me, and millions of creatures on the planet have to be made quickly. Six minutes in, which takes over a hundred pages to narrate, the fate of us all is decided. Once the launch button is pushed, there is no recalling a missile. 

That's a little spoiler-y, and sorry, but it doesn't turn out well. (Did we ever think it would?)

If you read non-fiction, if you like thinking through the end times scenarios, or if you're a big fan of military non-fiction, you'll probably like this one.